
Re-introdcution to C++ (Modern)

Created by Jatin Dhankhar / @jatindhankhar_

C++ is not C with classes

C++ is beautiful and it makes me sad that people don't use it the modern way. They write C with classes


  • Raw Pointers
  • char[]
  • strlen
  • Legacy from C
  • Self coded algorithms and containers

Don't char* str = new char[1024];

Do std::string str;

History to Bore/engage people ?

“C++11 feels like a new language.” – Bjarne Stroustrup

Our Targets

  • Vectors
  • Auto
  • Inbuilt Algorithms
  • Inbuilt Containers
  • Ranges
  • Lambdas

Headaches and Aspirin - Trimmed Quote

One of the worst things you can do is force people who don’t feel pain to take your aspirin. Math shouldn’t feel pointless. Math isn’t pointless. It may not have a point in job [y] or [z] but math has a point in math. We invented new math to resolve the limitations of old math. My challenge to all of us here is, before you offer students the new, more powerful math, put them in a place to experience the limitations of the older, less powerful math. - Dan Meyer


Dynamic Arrays




One word to rule them all?

Range based for loops

for(auto el : container) process(el);

DRY - Don't repeat yourself

Learn Ranges and Lambdas before (they are next)

  • Sort
  • Count
  • Copy
  • Find




Lambdas - Ultimate Beauty


Call me maybe ?

Take a Moment

It was just a (gentle?) re-introduction many things were not discussed in detail (smart pointet,move semantics,TMP). It was a just a tip of Iceberg? Keep Learning. Found any mistake, correct me, maybe?



Credits and Futher Readings

return 0;